
A user who decides to create and publish a course is considered a Facilitator. There is no limit to the number of free and fee for service courses that can be offered. Facilitators can team with other Facilitators and jointly offer courses. With full control over how each course is organized, content can be presented as any combination of video, audio, and text files. All of these can be merged with real-time web conferencing to offer a truly engaging experience for Learners.

How does it work?


Combine audio, text, and video files as needed to deliver the kind of experience you want Learners to have.


Use real-time web conferencing to set the pace and the depth of interaction required for effective learning.


Assess Learner performance as progress is made toward course completion and share results with Learners.

An online platform which can be utilized by an Organization or an Individual to conduct courses online. It also helps knowledge seekers to explore and learn something new at their convenience. Apart from being a Learning Management System, it paves a way to employability and entrepreneurship.

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Developed by Dynamisigns
2016 © VirtuSeek. All Rights Reserved.

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